April 10 - Siblings Day

"The great gift of family life is to be intimately acquainted with people you might never even introduce yourself to, had life not done it for you."

- Kendall Hailey

Siblings! You gotta love 'em. Because if you don't, Mom will make you wear one of those "cooperation t-shirts" (shudder).


There are a million and one out there on the subject, so I just pulled a few of my favorite read-alouds. This is one of my favorite brotherly duos:


Four hilarious stories, two inventive brothers, one irresistible book! Join Charlie and Mouse as they talk to lumps, take the neighborhood to a party, sell some rocks, and invent the bedtime banana.

Ms. Snyder seems to think they are based on her own sons, but that's just silly. They are quite obviously Logan and Shane. A perfect 'first chapter book' to build confidence, without making the listening parent want to stick a fork in his or her eye the eighteenth time it is read. There are several more in this series, all just as much fun!


The Big one gets new clothes.
The Little one gets hand-me-downs.
The Big one does everything first.
The Little one is always catching up
But the little one can do some things well, and can even teach the older one a thing or two .

Big sisters and little sisters alike will agree: this is a sassy and touching celebration of sisterhood for all ages.

I mean, it's LeUyen Pham, so of course it's adorable! If you have an older and a younger, have them each privately make a list of what is good about being the opposite of what they are, then have them sit down to compare. They may surprise each other!

I mean,


Maple and Willow do everything together. They love playing outside throughout the whole year, welcoming the sun, rain, leaves, and snow. But it’s not always sunshine and rainbows, because sometimes big sisters can be bossy—and sometimes little sisters can be frustrating—and even the best of friends need a break from each other . . . at least until they can no longer bear to be apart.

One of the sweetest picture book series out there - I am sad that there are only three!


Introduce your child to genetics at whatever level is appropriate for their age. You can start by talking about animals, and how the offspring generally look like the parents, but with variations. Do you know someone with a litter of puppies or kittens? If all else fails you can find pictures online, and talk about how they are the same (body shape), and different (coloring).

How do your kids look like you or other members of the family? If they are adopted, do you have pictures of their birth family? Besides physical characteristics, how are you alike and different? Discuss "nature vs. nurture".


Do you have any aunts or uncles around? Those are your Mom and Dad's siblings! Schedule a time to talk to them without Mom and Dad around, and find out what stories they have to share about when your parents were kids.

Social Studies

Discuss different ways people can become siblings - birth, adoption, marriage, etc. Talk about birth order, and what that has meant throughout history and in different cultures.


Create a family tree! There are so many different ways to make one besides the traditional tree with branches - check Pinterest and find one that works well for your particular family!


Sorry...gotta do it...

Did you know the movie's original ending did not feature a reunited Anna and Elsa? That Elsa remained a 'bad guy'? I like the way it did end much better! The second continues the theme of sisters working together and being there for each other.

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