Now here's a holiday I can happily celebrate all day long!
Before you read, tell your kids you are planning a snack for them. Would they like some tasty grasshoppers? Pig slop? Hay? No??? Well, what WOULD they like to eat? OH, okay! After we read the story, maybe they can help make a tasty snack you will both enjoy :)
Shh...we'll be sneaking some math in with this one down below! In the meantime, Frank is just an adorable monster. Can you create some friends for him? What would they eat?
See also: There's no Cream in Cream Soda by the same author. This title is chock full of ideas for History and Geography extensions. It even includes recipes and science experiments!
For many people, snacks are a luxury. Just eating regular meals is not something they can count on. Is there a way your family can help with food insecurity in your community? Some schools send backpacks home with kids full of foods to tide them over through the weekend. Grab a box of your favorite snacks and donate it!
Do you live in a multicultural area? Invite your friends and neighbors to prepare a snack that they loved when they were growing up, and enjoy an afternoon party where you sample each others' favorites. Make sure to ask everyone to bring the recipe to share!
One Chicken Nugget is a great introduction to either addition or multiplication. Relate it to money: if I paid you one cent today to do your chores, and two cents tomorrow, and so on, how much money would you be making each day by the end of the month? How much money would you have earned in all (add one cent plus two cents plus 4 cents...). Try putting pennies into a jar for 10 days, following this pattern. How much money do you have now? Pick out a snack for the family that you can buy with it!
One Chicken Nugget features several food trucks. Are there any food trucks where you live? Check a few out this week and try some snacks that are new to you! Then stop by the recycling center or an appliance store for a big box, and create your own food truck! What will you serve? How will you advertise it on your truck? What will you charge?
Do you have a favorite snack, something that just sets your heart singing? Compose a song to let the whole world know how you feel! For inspiration, check out one of our old friends, The Pizza Guy.
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