March 16 - Lips Appreciation Day


Believe it or not, we do not have a huge selection of children's books about lips in our collection. As in, none.

So, what do we use our lips for? Well, there's


Lentil cannot sing or even whistle; longing to make music in some fashion, he provides himself with a harmonica and practices constantly wherever he is, especially in the bathtub, because there his tone is improved 100 percent. A book that, along with its fun, truly illustrates the American scene.

Christopher was gifted a harmonica once, and Shane got hold of it. You know, you don't think of a harmonica as being a LOUD instrument, until a three year old boy gets hold of one.

They are, however, a pretty easy instrument to get the hang of (as evidenced by said 3yo), so why not try one out with your kiddos? After all, Lentil's playing ends up saving the day!

We can also use our lips to:


Peter wants to whistle for his dog, Willie, but like Lentil (and like me), he just can't whistle! While he is practicing, he keeps busy with important things like spinning (love the way the illustrations show how funny that makes everything look!), drawing with chalk, pretending to be his father, and trying to escape his shadow. Any or all of those would be a fun way to spend your afternoon!

Of course, we also use our lips for...kissing! You didn't really think I'd skip that, did you? We have several books about kissing, here are just a few:


Of course, animals don't all use their lips to kiss, but that just means we learn a bit more - along with the names for some baby animals. It's also just a really cute, really funny book for bedtime!


Fresh out of clean clothes, Lacey must wear a previously shunned birthday gift from her grandma: a T-shirt that says, "Kiss Me, I'm Perfect."
Skeptical about the reception she will receive, Lacey starts her journey to school...and is pleasantly surprised by the attention she receives from the kitty cat, dog, eagle, and MOOSE she meets along her way. Even better, once at school, her potentially embarrassing attire is soon coveted by her classmates!


"Once upon a Tuesday the king was in a hurry as usual. 'Goodnight,' he said and blew his son a Royal Kiss. But after rattling around the young prince's room and finding its way out the window, the Royal Kiss hurtles off into a dark and snowy forest. "Follow that Kiss!" commands the king to his loyal knight, and so begins a lengthy, silly chase scene. Even the putative bad guys in this story-- "growly" bears, "swoopy" owls, "dribbly" wolves, and a gigantic dragon--get a shot at providing comic relief, as the kiss streaks and swoops its way through the woods with the not-too-brave knight in hot pursuit.

Make sure you also check out Melling's "The Three Wishes", and "Good Knight, Sleep Tight".

Social Studies

Lentil's daily journey through town is described by the places he passes, complete with a bit of their history. Take a walk through your neighborhood and talk about how you would describe each building or field. Do you know all your neighbors? If not, this is a good time to bring some cookies over and get to know someone new! What can you learn about the history of your area? Remember, just because there isn't a building doesn't mean nothing ever happened there. Talk to some of the old-timers and see what they can tell you!


Why do our lips get chapped? basically, because they get dried out - from lack of humidity in the air, or from continual licking. Believe it or not, your saliva can dry them out as it evaporates! If you get chapped lips, try to avoid picking at them (I know, I know, I can't help it either), and keep them coated with a lip balm.

You can even make your own! Place a small canning jar in a pot with a couple inches of hot water (in the pot, not the jar), and add (to the jar):

1 T beeswax
2 T coconut oil
2 T shea butter

The hot water may cause it all to melt by itself, or you can turn the heat on low. Stir as it melts until combined, then add your favorite scent or essential oils. Remove from heat/water. Pour into a small container and wait for it to harden.

If you don't want to use beeswax (or can't readily find any) you can leave it out, but keep in mind that coconut oil turns to liquid at a pretty low temperature. Don't put it in an old chapstick tube and put it in your pocket! Vaseline is another possible alternative, but that contains chemicals some people want to avoid putting on their skin.


Do you have any old lipsticks lying around? Have fun putting them on and then making lip prints on paper. You can try making patterns or pictures with different colors, or draw faces and add 'real lip'. Just plain fun, really!


I immediately thought of this tune, sung by my favorite cucumber!


Extension: If you don't know what that means, you skipped the song. Go back. Can you find the word for "lips" in any other languages?

Language Arts

How many idioms or expressions can you think of that have the word 'lip' in them? Just a few to get you started:

bite your lip
don't give me any of your lip
have a stiff upper lip
give lip service
gave him a fat lip
my lips are sealed

Talk about literal and figurative meanings. Make a book, perhaps titled something like "Lips We Appreciate", and give each expression its own page. Decide whether you would like to illustrate them literally, figuratively, or both ways!


Chocolate kisses make excellent snacks! Especially if Mom gets some, too.

3x3= ?

If you want to use them as math manipulatives but don't need QUITE that much chocolate in one sitting, use chocolate chips and call them mini kisses! Practice counting, adding, subtracting, estimating, showing tens and ones, skip counting (put in piles of five and count that way) or multiplication (six piles of five each equals...)

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